9545 Folsom Blvd
Ste 2
Sacramento, CA 95827
Mo Du Rang has moved down Folsom Blvd from its previous location. Their new location seems a bit smaller, but has nice seating areas. Today, we ordered the pork bulgogi and the hot pot bimbibap. The server provided a large Korean pancake that had onions, avocado, and bell pepper in it. I was not a fan of the onions or bell peppers and rather prefer the pancake from 88 Tofu. The rest of the side dishes came, of which we kept about half. I still prefer the side dishes of 88 Tofu though.
The pork bulgogi came sizzling ferociously at the table. It actually splattered a bit on my clothes and arm, which kinda hurt. The taste was really good, but there was a decent amount of fatty parts in it. The hot pot bimbibap was good, but it would have been better if meat was included.
Overall, Mo Du Rang is pretty good, but it definitely is not the best out there. In addition, getting to Mo Du Rang is a bit out of the way off the freeway exit. If you want some Korean food in the area, Mo Du Rang still sits as a good option.
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